heyhey! thanks for stopping by! this site is basically just for me to ramble about fnaf/blueycapsules/basically any of my fixations. this site is REALLY messy and probably will never be organized anytime soon but alas, i hope you can find enjoyment in my (really..REALLY) nerdy hyperfixation..thingies

WARNING: if music player somehow follows you to another page on the site, do reload! if not, the music will overlap

> 3/12/22 NEW HOMEPAGE LAYOUT YEAAA i kinda like it, more lively yk (also i made a new page playlist :]] ) plus a new page, my shrines!!!

> 3/11/22 remade index page as u can see ouuu aahhh (working on remaking homepage soon)

> 3/8/22 new rambling entry, going bonkers

> 3/6/22 new rambling entry, i like this one :]]]

> 3/5/22 ADDED GUESTBOOK + new rambling entry teehee

> 3/4/22 ADDED RAMBLING PAGE.. finally fuck

> 2/13/22 ADDED DECOR PAGE (sorry for the hiatus!)


> 2/2/22 SITE OFFICALLY LAUNCHED (finally jfc)